Antenatal & Hypnobirth Courses

Birth and welcoming a baby into your life is a wonderful experience, made better when you feel in control, supported, safe and comfortable. Hypnobirthing and Antenatal education are wholly beneficial investments to make in yourself as you prepare for this important time, providing information and tools that will help you now and in the future.

It is never too early in the journey to becoming a parent to begin practicing hypnobirthing- the earlier you make it a part of your routine, the easier it will be to generate the mind/body connection needed for the birth you want. 

With over ten hours of content, each course will include:

  • Introduction to Hypnobirthing
  • What to expect during pregnancy and delivery
  • Your options for birth
  • Tools for remaining calm and comfortable during delivery
  • Tips for maintaining control, even when the context of birth changes
  • Feeding options and what to expect in the early days 

The benefits of Hypnobirthing are perfect for demonstrating in person and we will always have time for discussion and questions, as well as a guided relaxation.

You will also receive free guided relaxations each week (with more offered to support your personal journey) plus ongoing telephone and email support, through the remainder of pregnancy, delivery and the arrival of your baby!

Antenatal Education

Antenatal courses are a great way to help you learn about what to expect during pregnancy and labour in focused, manageable sessions so you have time to ask questions and consider your options before we meet again.

All Antenatal courses are designed to run for eight weeks and will cover:

  • What to expect during labour
  • Birthing hormones and how to get the best from them
  • Birthing pathways and options
  • Managing pregnancy and birth discomfort
  • Packing for birth
  • Options for feeding baby and the early days

Group Courses

Group courses are an excellent way to meet people living close to you who are also looking forwards to welcoming a baby, giving you the opportunity to begin building a wider community early on.

Groups are kept small, allowing everyone present to benefit from the attention and care that they deserve as we work together through the content. The course and location are welcoming and inclusive of all parents, creating a space where everyone can feel supported.

Group Courses £100

Personal Courses

If you want a course that is focused on preparing for the arrival of your baby, using hypnobirthing tools that are most effective for you, than a personal course could be what you are looking for. 

Running over eight weeks, a personal course can be tailored to fit around you and your unique circumstances. Sessions can be completed online, or in person and in your own space, where you feel most comfortable. 

Each week we will make time to discuss how you are feeling and how your hypnobirthing practice is coming along. We will explore your plans for birth and how these can be supported positively. 

Personal Courses £150

I don't know if it was down to the session or relaxation....... I slept! Im taking it that it was you

Antenatal support

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Teresa xx